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4 Reasons Sunflower Seed Are the Ultimate Back-to-School Snack

4 Reasons Sunflower Seed Are the Ultimate Back-to-School Snack

Small, but mighty beyond belief, the sunflower seed might just be this year’s back-to-school snack secret weapon for energy, stamina and overall health. Here are five reasons why you (or the kiddos) should get crackin’ before heading back to the classroom chaos:

1. Snooze Like A Pro

Sleep is critical for optimal health and learning, as well as the regulation of mood and attention – and it turns out, sunflower seeds contain an essential mineral that can help you achieve all of the above. We’re talking about magnesium. Known for its ability to relieve insomnia, magnesium not only helps decrease cortisol (a.k.a. the “stress hormone” that can keep you up at night), but is also a natural muscle relaxant, which can work wonders when it comes to unwinding after a long day of taking in knowledge.

2. Fuel Strong Immunity

When it comes to protecting yourself against the inevitable spread of germs that comes with back-to-school season, sunflower seeds can help give your immune system a natural boost by loading it up with essential nutrients that help promote healthy immune function. Among our favorites are selenium and Vitamin E, which both work to protect the body from harmful infections and free radicals – and it just so happens that sunflower seeds are a great source for both of these powerful antioxidants.

3. Boost Brain Power

Take a tip from the squirrels and store up some brainpower by snacking on phosphorus-rich foods, like (you guessed it) sunflower seeds. Since phosphorous is an essential element found both around and inside the cells of the brain, it’s no surprise maintaining proper levels of it can seriouslyboost cognitive performance, growth and development, and help maintain proper brain function.

4. Snack Smarter

Abundant in healthy vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and flavor, sunflower seeds are one of Mother Nature’s perfect superfoods – meaning you’re making a wise decision by chowing down on this high-performance snack. When choosing sunflower seeds, however, not all brands are created equal. Put your smarts to good use and choose seeds that leave the GMOs, MSG, artificial flavoring and artificial coloring in the lab and out of the ingredients. (Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge – like all four flavors of Chinook seeds.)


There you have it – the secret to snacking your way to success this school year and beyond.

Find out more about the many benefits of sunflower seeds here!

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